Doug Boyd, Gentle Warrior, Service. Crosscultural empathy. Natural Powers. Honored in Native Elders Wisdom Keeper's gathering.
Greg Schelkun, Master Psychic Healer. Service. American Oncological Association Award.
Willis Hatman, Metaphysics and Modern Science (excerpt) -- Thinking Allowed DVD w/ Jeffrey Mishlove
Stan Grof- Transpersonal Psychology. Altered States of Consciousness. Holotropic Therapy.
Joanna Macy. The Work that Reconnects. Compassion in Action.
Louisah Teish. Planetary Activist. Spiritual teacher and guide, writer, performance artist.
Avon Mattison. Pathways to Peace. Peace activism, Peace Day.
Ervin Laszlo. Club of Budapest. Planetary consciousness..
Club of Budapest. Visionary cutting-edge planetary think- tank
Stanley Kripner. Parapsychology, transpersonal psychology
Starhwak. Women/Earth Spirituality. Ecofeminism. Witchcraft in contemporary world
Institute of Noetic Sciences – New paradigm, new sciences, sustainability
Christian Felber –The Economy for the Common Good,
La Economía del Bien Común
Periodico del bien comun
Susan Griffin- Ecofeminism. Poetry. Visionary
Ram Dass - Spiritual teacher, kharma yoga (service), compassion in action
Rainforest Action Network (funded by Randy Hayes)
Foundation Earth (Randy Hayes). Sustainability and spirituality/
Planetary citizens (founder: Donald Keys. Planetary Visionary)
SEVA organization. A service organizatiom
Rianne Eisler. Ecofeminism, Caring Economics
Charlene Spretnack - Ecofeminism
Matthew Fox. Original Blessing, Creation Spirituality
Buckminster Fuller institute. Sustainability Visionary
Link to blog
Hazel Henderson. Ecofeminism. Sustainability. Ethical Markets
Posts by Hazel Henderson - CSRwire:
Joseph Campbell Foundation. Mythology and the New Paradigm
The Council of the 13 Grandmother
Caroline Myss. Self development. Healing. Personal Powers
Brian Swimme. New Physics. Cosmology
Club of Rome. Visionary think-tank
Auroville. Intentional Community. Service.
The Esalen Institute. Pioneer Growth/Integral Center. New paradigm pioneer- research, theory and practice.
Paul Hawken. Consciouss Business. Natural capital. Global network, Sustainability.
The Biggest Movement In The World on You tube
Charles Einstein. Philosopher, writer and integral teacher
Pitirim A. Sorokin Foundation. Integral sociology. Altruism
Jean Shinoda-Bolen. Jungian analysist. Archetypes. Ecofeminism
James Lovelock. Gaia Hypothesis
Jody Williams: A realistic vision for world peace on
Gregg Braden. New Physics. Secret Ancient Knowledg. The Divine Matrix (whole series) on You Tube
William McDonough. Sustainable buildings and products.
Craddle to Craddle on
Zainab Salbi: Women, wartime and the dream of peace on
Joan Halifax: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy on