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Planetary ConsciousnesSection II




Many other models of this new emerging paradigm were also interviewed in-depth but not included in this context, only due to to space constraints, yet they are part and parcel of this work; among them I shall make particular mention of:


Greg Schelkun - Spiritual healer trained in the Philippines in the “Espiritista System” of faith healing: “psychic surgery,” laying on of hands, and distant prayer healing, with whom I’ve the honor to work and study from the early 80’s through the present..


Stan Grof  - Psychiatrist, one of the founders of the field of transpersonal psychology and a pioneering researcher into the use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for purposes of exploring, healing, and obtaining growth and insights into the human psyche. I’ve studied with him in  a residential month long life-transforming training intensive on the Dawn of a New Paradigm in psychology and principles of holotropic breathwork  therapy, in Esalen Institute, Big Sur, Ca, 1984)


Brother David Standal-Rast - Catholic Benedictine monk, active participant in interfaith dialogue,  mysticism -- “longing for belonging” -- and science. I’ve met him at the monthlong with Grof and then interviewed him on several occasions and locations, and was always deeply moved by his kindness, generosity, accessibility and universal view of life)


Susan Griffin - Ecofeminist, poet, essayist, playwright and screenwriter, drawing the connection between the destruction of nature, the diminishment of women and racism, and tracing the causes of war to denial in both private and public life. Named by Utne Reader as one of a hundred important visionaries for the new millenniumeader as one of a hundred important visionaries for the new millennium. Woman of wisdom, power and caring, her interviews poetry in  themselves)


Avon Mattison - Peacebuilding and Inter-Organisational Consultant, Advisor and Mentor with over three decades' experience; founder of Pathways to Peace and the Culture of Peace Initiative, and one of the pioneers who worked at the United Nations to create the International Day of Peace. Meetings with her full of vitality, optimism, love and no little “magic”.


Diane di Prima - Feminist Beat poet, pioneer radical feminist ground-breaker, mother of five children. Very powerful, creative, strong presence, extremely  generous with her time and knowledge in our meetings.


Stan Kripner - Pioneer scholar parapsychologist, holistic psychology, development of  human potentials..


Starhawk - Goddess movement and earth-based spirituality. Peace, environmental, and global justice activist and trainer, permaculture designer and teacher, Pagan and Witch. Powerful presence, inspired and inspiring activist).



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